Industry news
The only real step to the way of opening gambling zone which were made by region Government is the preparation for sale of the ground area near the settlement Povarovka not far from Baltic Sea.It is planned that the first open biddings will be held on April 2009. There will be known the owners of the ground areas. Even if the open biddings will find their owners, the opening of the zone “Yantarnaya” in the clear field without infrastructure and...

“Now the proposals come to the administration of “Azov-city” from Armavir organization “Business –Consult” about intention to start building of a casino and a hotel”, said Oleg Petrosyan to journalists. EELEX

In August in gambling zone “Azov-City” Krasnodar investor is planning to finish building of casino “Park-Hotel”.Soon in Krasnodar region the next tender will be held for assignation stead in gambling zone. Six steads with total area till 10 hectares will be offered to investors. EELEX

The new plan, which was approved on Tuesday, includes creating a monitoring center that will keep close track of casinos and other gaming venues across the country.It is aimed at decentralizing the gambling industry in Belarus, and ensuring its financial transparency.“We have every opportunity to gain a leading position in this sensitive sphere against a background of the changes in the Russian and Ukrainian legislation,” Vremya Novostei quoted Lukashenko as saying.He said Russia and Ukraine had been forced to strengthen...

The Princess Maria cruise ship, acquired by line operator St. Peter Line, will operate a casino on the neutral waters of the Baltic Sea, reports Business FM.The ship will operate under the Maltese flag and will carry out 5 trips a week and Konstantin Kopylov, Vice-President of the Russian Association for the development of the gambling industry, believes the company will attract players.“It’s easier to buy a ticket for the ship, wait a little bit and then go out onto...