Industry news
30 января 2010 года в игорной зоне Азов-Сити открылось первое в России легальное казино, которое построили инвесторы из Татарстана. Развлекательный комплекс Оракул принадлежит казанскому ООО Роял-Тайм. Сейчас Роял-Тайм арендует три участка в игорной зоне. Полностью закончить их застройку планируют к 2017 г.Игорную зону Азов-Сити создали на территории Щербиновского района Краснодарского края и Азовского района Ростовской области. Расстояние от Краснодара — 250 км, от Ростова — 120. Граница игорной зоны находится в 500 м от берега Азовского моря. Площадь Азов-Сити со...

Designed by architect Moshe Safdie, the building complex — which resemble a group of leaning playing-card decks — stands 55 stories high, topped by a hovering 2.5-acre SkyPark that overlooks Singapore's harbor. Exotic plantings, restaurants, convention spaces, and swimming pools stud the Sands, turning it into a sprawling business-and-pleasure environment. However, repeated delays in the building's construction and grievances over allegedly faulty amenities during the hotel's preview somewhat cloud the project's fast-approaching debut. The art is another story. Selected by...

London's online gambling giants, led by PartyGaming (PYGMF) and (EIHDF), are eyeing a return to the vast and lucrative market that dramatically shut the door on them three and a half years ago: the US. When American lawmakers banned internet gambling in 2006, they cratered the share prices of companies which had built almost their whole businesses on offering online poker, casinos and sports betting to US customers from their offshore hubs, all funded from equity fundraisings on the...

The region’s Government has already fixed the territory with total area 1170 hectares with agreed name “Yantarny bereg” where the largest mall in Europe will be built and been a part of gambling zone “Yantarnaya”. There will also be gambling segment. Thanks to this the budget of the region will get sums from “gambling” money.RGW

1) What's your balance for the first two quarters of 2010? Alsart doesn’t trade it shares in the equity market, because of unwillingness to publish its balance sheets. However, I can say that the first half of 2010 pleased us - we have got significant growth of alternative gambling spheres of the companies of our Group. This is the projects allowed by law regarding gambling zones of Russia and lottery projects at the federal level, as well as trading and...