Industry news
На данный момент клуб «Крещатик» является самым большим покерным клубом на Украине. Игровой зал клуба вмещает до 40 покерных столов. Территория поделена на три игровые зоны, плавно переходящие в лаунж-бар. Это место было выбрано потому, что оно оптимально подходит для проведения мероприятий высокого уровня. Превосходный дизайн интерьера и комфорт, создаваемый профессиональным персоналом, создадут отличный фон для старта PokerStars Russian Poker Series.Турнир RPS Киев пройдет при поддержке Национальной Федерации спортивного покера Украины. В остальном, как и говорилось ранее, структура турнира не...

iGaming Business is a specialist in publishing quality information on the online gaming industry through magazines, events, websites and intelligent reports. Its flagship publication is iGaming Business Magazine. iGaming Business is organizing the iGaming Super Show between May 25 and May 28. Over 2500 delegates are expected to attend. The organizations they would be representing include vendors, media, affiliates, operators and regulators. On the occasion of this exhibition iGaming Business has partnered with Moniker and SnapNames to hold an auction...

During the expo the conference will be held (June 15, 2010) “Organization and holding gambling and lotteries in Russia and CIS countries” where the leaders of industry will take part.Such companies as Di Pay, Jet Pay, Novolot, Alsart, Smiles, Dtinvest, Smart Money, Web cash, Simulator, RITZ, Mir Loterei, Junket tours, Lucky soft, Infointsale, Expo Game, GGS, Smile, Unisel, GoodWood, GIP Group, Sprung, Ru Cards, iGaming, LotProm, Norma has confirmed the participation.Note:Russian Gaming Week is the only and the largest expo...

“We hold the negotiations with international companies that have solid experience in holding gambling business. We are sure together we’ll succeed in the matter and will be able to provide the work of the gambling zone” – he said. A.Karelin also added that today one can see some revival about the construction of the gaming zones. This is first of all connected with the strict position of the RF President Dmitry Medvedev who let everybody know that the low restricting...

Instead of the 30th of October auction are planned for the 20th of November. There will be presented lands with total area 27,3 and 7,26 hectares for building mall with aquapark, hotels and casino. EELEX