Industry news
Самое полное собрание современного универсального игровогооборудования, самая достоверная информация из первых рук, встреча с опытнымиигроками рынка, диалог с партнерами и конкурентами – все это традиционновключает в себя программа выставки RGW.Серебряный спонсор выставки RGW-2013 –,игровая система, которая в настоящее время стремительно завоевывает рынокинтерактивных азартных игр и рассчитана действительно широкий кругпользователей.Система содержит самые популярные ивостребованные игровые автоматы и видео игры с настраиваемым процентом выдачи,прекрасно зарекомендовавшие себя в многочисленных игорных онлайн заведениях.Преимущества системы· Наличиебольшой библиотеки игр· Все игрыразработаны на основе...

The complaint focuses on the extension of OPAP’s off line monopolyto onlineproducts, including sports betting and other gambling products such as casino andpoker.The main arguments are that the Greek Gambling Act allows for the licensing of online gamblingoperators but the Ministerial Decisions and administrativemeasures undertaken prevent any operator other than OPAPfrom being granted a full licence. In effect the Government has granted an exclusive right to OPAP and that infringes Article 56 of theTreaty on the Functioning of theEuropean Union(TFEU).The...

You will find the answers to the pressing questions:· Howto choose the right bookmaker?· Howto make your betting business more efficient and profitable?· Howto stay within the legal framework? Our experts are ready to share the comprehensive and objectiveinformation about the top onlinebookmakers in the pages of the new issue of Login Casino.The April issue of LoginCasino will feature:v latest news from theworld of bookmakersv sports bettingtutorialsv variety of sports bettingv what are the possible oddsv the principle came, made...

Rimini, 27th February 2013 – ENADA SPRING (Rimini Fiera, 12th - 15th March 2013) increasingly confirms its role as an indispensable event for the amusement and gaming machine world. It is no coincidence that the expo is not only a product showcase, but also hosts events not to be missed, important crowded conferences, as well as training events on to most topical issues. For this precise reason, the contents of the meetings are finalized immediately prior to the event, in...

The passion for gambling and risk globally unites a lot of people aroundthe sports events. Betting hasn’t become any less popular. In fact, even just the opposite, due to the ban on gambling business in Russia, it isbecoming increasingly attractive as one of the possible legal ways to satisfy the hunger for gambling. Moreover, some new trends areobserved in the bookmaking business! An increasing number of players is now makingtheir bets online – another promising market segment. Betting websiteshave literally...