Industry news
В поисках новых сегментов рынка, которые активировались, благодаря реформамв законодательной сфере азартных игр в России, Украине, Казахстане, столицаБеларуси – настоящий Клондайк для операторов азартных игр.Ожидается, что Russian Gaming Week в Минске посетитбольшое количество операторов из России, Украины, Казахстана и других странСНГ. Выставка будет представлена на 4000 кв.м.На площадке RussianGaming Week 2013 будут представлены компании по следующим тематическимнаправлениям:Оборудование для казино Игровое оборудование - автоматы, рулетки, материалы,мебель и принадлежности для казино и слот заловПокер, покер онлайн, покер оборудование Лотерейное оборудование и программное...

Traditionally,the 7th Internationalspecialized gambling and amusement exhibition and forum Russian Gaming Week will featurethe full range of gaming equipment, as well as the latest first-hand information, legal advice, meetings with the majormarket players.This year, the exhibition organizers have decided to focus on thebookmaking business, as the most popular segment of the gambling industry in today’sRussia. According to the research, betting hasn’t become any less popular here.In fact, just the opposite, it is becoming increasingly attractive in Russia asone of the...

Interestingly, over the last few months, theVerkhovna Rada registered four bills on the same topic – state regulation ofthe lottery market. In particular, on 25 February 2013, the Cabinet ofMinisters has submitted the bill №2379 to the parliament On theintroduction of the moratorium on the issuance of licenses to carry out economicactivities in the area of issuing and conducting lotteries.The Ministry of Finance has been effectivelylobbying to monopolize the entire lottery business. The moratorium is intendedto favor Oschadbank, as noted...

Participants of the conference will discuss following issues:Advantages, trends andpotential of Internet marketing from the point of view of senior figures andowners of businessAdministrative, financial,legal and technical aspects of Internet marketingAffiliate marketing, mobiletechnologies, social games.This event is of exceptional professional interest to everyone who promoteshis business by means of Internet marketing instruments, has interest in involvementof new partners to his affiliate programs, looks for the most efficient waysto keep up and develop affiliate networks.The conference is an essential event for...

Rimini, 12th March 2013 – Ribbon-cutting ceremony this morning at Rimini Fiera for the 25th edition of ENADA Spring, the international gaming and amusement machine expo, which hosts 400 companies in an exhibition area of 40,000m2 until Friday. So it’s a “silver wedding” for the expo that Rimini Fiera organizes (in March in Rimini and October in Rome) on behalf of SAPAR, the association representing approximately 1,500 owners, manufacturers and resellers of amusement and gaming machines. SAPAR chairman Raffaele Curcio...