Industry news
The land concession contract allows the construction of a resort on the 51-acre Cotai property that can include gambling and retailing, Wynn Macau said in a statement to Hong Kong’s stock exchange today. The rent was set at 6.17 million patacas a year, it said in the filing. The contract may allow Wynn Macau to open a new casino in 2015 at the earliest, Karen Tang, an analyst at Deutsche Bank AG, said in a note to clients today. Still,...

In the issue:- Interview with Anatoly Kuznetsov, President of the “Korston” group of companies – “There is no business without entertainment” - Interview with Valery Ivanov, Head of the Russian Association of Gaming Business Development (RARIB) – “Gambling. From the beginnings till present time” - Interview with Lenar Kashapov, Director of the “Azov-City Gambling & Resort” – “Gambling zones. Start of a new game” - Expert opinion “Criminal liability?! How to continue living”. Leading experts – Lyubov Loginova (Chairman of...

Холдинг Ritzio Олега Бойко, некогда крупнейший оператор казино и игровых клубов в России, пытается закрепиться на зарубежных рынках, но пока без особого успеха. Как выяснил Ъ, выручка Ritzio с 2008 по 2010 год сократилась в 12 раз, до $154 млн. Теперь главной страной присутствия для Ritzio является Германия: его сеть Vulkan Stern вошла в четверку крупнейших на местном рынке.Игорный рынок в России по итогам 2008 года оценивался PricewaterhouseCoopers в $3,6 млрд. Но 30 июня 2009 года вступили в силу положения...

The industry's rapid growth worries critics, who say building more gambling venues drives up more than profits it's also driving a rise in gambling addiction. In 2007, Americans lost more than $92 billion gambling, 800 percent more than they lost in 1982, Sam Skolnik, author of the newly released book High Stakes: The Rising Cost of America's Gambling Addiction, told Daily Finance. From 2000 to 2005, the number of Americans who patronized casinos increased by 20 million. In 2009 and...

A government spokesman said Malta has made its position clear with the European Commission: certain aspects of the draft Greek law are unacceptable as they do not respect fundamental principles of EU legislation.The spokesman, however, declined to give further details on Malta’s objections.“Greece notified the EU about its draft legislation through the union’s Technical Regulations Information System (TRIS) and Malta provided its opinion on the draft legislation,” the spokesman told The Times.An EU official said Malta was the only member...