Industry news
Russian authorities are considering banningprivate lotteries in 2014. The issue was discussed at the meeting held at theoffice of the First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov on 16 November, asreported by Vedomosti. The ban was initiated by the Ministry of EconomicDevelopment projecting that this decision would increase the annual budgetrevenue from lotteries from 1 billion to 10 billion rubles.It is assumed that in a year all lotteries willcease to exist, except for the state ones and those promoting products andservices....

Here aresix up-and-coming gambling affiliate programs worth keeping an eye on in 2013and beyond:White Knight CasinoOne onlinecasino operator who has worked to position themselves to be hard to ignore is WhiteKnight Casino. They received the memo about the importance of making money withmobile and have integrated a great instant-play mobile site into theirofferings.WhiteKnight is giving affiliates from CAP 45% revenue share on the first threemonths of their affiliation with the brand. Following this introductory period,affiliates will continue to receive 30%...

At the second day of the series of conferencesEy! 2012 Encuentro Yogonet, Romina Freijomil (Marketing Manager of City CenterRosario), Valeria Lagomarsino (Digital Director of Fisher América), OscarSciesa (Online Commercial Manager of Fox Latin American Channels) and MarianoMolina Zavalia (Marketing Manager of Trilenium Casino) analyzed the issue“Social Networks: the new Challenge for marketing of casinos”.During the conference, experts on the issuedebated on how Facebook, Twitter and other social Networks have stronglypenetrated in the whole society, and on how gambling venues find...

This is a billion dollar industry – at least it was – until the DoJ shut down sites to US players such as PokerStars, and FullTilt amongst others, on the 15th April 2011.This is the day that online poker operators and players have come to know as Black Friday. Before Black Friday, it was estimated that $6 billion went out of the US, into the coffers of offshore poker and other gambling sites. Of this $6B – if the industry...

Khalid Ali is the Secretary-General of the European Sports Security Association (ESSA).The European Parliament’s Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) may appear at odds with the European Commission on the subject of online gambling, but there is still time to engineer a conclusion from its deliberations on the forthcoming vote that could benefit European consumers, sports and businesses alike.In its recent report on online gambling, which was adopted in October, IMCO claims that the integrity of sport...