The Golden Bridge will be built at the entrance to Primorye gambling zone

Primorsky Krai Development Corporation and the executive director of G1 Entertainment Craig Ballantyne offered to decorate the entrance to the integrated resort near Vladivostok with an architectural structure. The idea was supported by regional authorities, and the installation concept was approved.
It was announced during the meeting of the work group with the participation of the gambling zone residents, the vice-governor of the region Yevgeniy Polyansky and the head of corporation Andrey Folomeev.
Construction project was presented to investors and officials. Its main elements are two stelae that resemble the pylons of the Golden Bridge in Vladivostok. Andrey Folomeev believes that the gambling zone and the administrative center should have a common symbol.
This concept was supported by all members of the working group. And regional departments were instructed to develop a detailed construction project. Moreover, administration announced the receipt of other architectural solutions from all interested parties.