State Duma adopted a law banning non-state lotteries


At the plenary session State Duma passed in the third reading law banning non-state lotteries from July 1, 2014. According to the law, as per July only two kinds of lotteries will be available in the Russian Federation – All-Russian State Lottery and International (held on the territory of two or more states, including the Russian Federation, on the basis of international treaty of the Russian Federation).

Lottery will be conducted on a competitive basis, at this competition will be carried out only by two agencies - Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Sports. The law also bans lotteries using gaming equipment (including slot machines).

According to law, only a person over 18 can take part in lotteries. During electoral campaign (referendum) it is also prohibited to hold lotteries where winning or participation in prize drawing depends on results of the vote, outcome of elections and so on

Administrative Code of the Russian Federation is supplemented by article establishing penalties for holding lottery without permission of government of the Russian Federation, violation of terms of transfer of funds raised from lottery, refusal to pay off winnings and non-publication of annual report on lottery holding in media.

Information from "Prime" was used.

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