Romania And Moldova Look To Online Gambling To Help Ease Financial Woes


Each year, the amount spent by Romanians at online casinos continues to grow from the €120 million spent in 2008 to the current estimates per annum of around €500 million.

With that revenue currently ending up in foreign hands, the Romanian government has now decided to look into the possibility of diverting some of those much needed funds back to the domestic economy. Commenting on the situation, Finance Minister for Romania Bogdan Dragoi, stated:

“We are looking into ways to regulate online gambling, and, if we manage to control money [tax] collection, we will authorise them.”

Likewise, Moldova is considering adopting a similar approach to its neighbour, but unlike Romania which presently adopts a more ambivalent attitude to online gambling, all internet gambling within Moldova’s borders are out-rightly forbidden by the eastern European country.

However, it is known that many domestic players within the country of 3.7 million people still continue to flaunt the law and wager on foreign sites, such as PartyGaming and Pokerstars, such that the Moldovan government is now considering tapping into the flow of potential tax revenue. Other benefits cited also include the creation of additional jobs, which could give a much needed boost to the country’s ailing economy.


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