Major Russian blockchain expert will make a presentation at RGW Moscow

Valery Petrov, Vice President of the Russian Association of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain (RACIB) and Board Member of JSC FINAM, will become a speaker of Russian Gaming Week. The expert will delve into the use of blockchain in the gambling industry.
Blockchain or the Internet of Value is a specifically structured database. Cryptocurrencies rely on blockchain. However, it has other use cases such as arrangement of cadastral registers, medical cards, genome data, and other information that needs to be protected against replay, copying, and access of third parties.
In his presentation for RGW, Valery Petrov will name the advantages that blockchain offers for businesses connected with the entertainment industry and explain how to use the technology to reduce expenditures and increase trust in the project.
The speaker is one of the major Russian specialists in finance, investments, and blockchain, Vice President of the RACIB, Supervisory Board Member of VTB Bank, JSC FINAM, and a number of other large Russian companies.
The expert has experience of implementing complex financial projects including in the field of blockchain and crypto technologies. He worked for the State Duma of the Russian Federation, publicly owned companies, well-known banks such as Moscow Exchange, Alfa Capital, Ingosstrakh Investitsii. Valery Petrov has a background in scientific and educational activities, authors programs and МВА courses, as well as numerous publications.