CASEXE to participate in VIGE 2017

The company CASEXE has recently announced about its participation in the world’s famous gaming conference Vienna International Gaming Expo (VIGE) 2017 held this year in Vienna on March 20 – 22.
Ivan Kondilenko, CASEXE’s CEO, will represent the company at the event, so that all of the interested clients including partners have a chance to meet the said expert in person and get an individual consultation.
In order to set an appointment, please, visit the official website of CASEXE and by clicking a corresponding button fill in a feedback form indicating your contact details.
After your request is processed by the website administration, our managers will contact all of the interested customers in order to get additional information.
Note, please: Vienna International Gaming Expo 2017, proving its status of an international gaming conference, will call upon more than 387 delegates from around 40 countries of the world.
More than 132 companies have already registered on the official VIGE page as participants, and as for the projected number of exhibits, it accounts for 15 expo stands. Moreover, VIGE will gather around 45 speakers participating in 15 panel discussions.
The conference begins at 10:00 a.m. local time.